Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day!

For Earth Day this year we made these cute birdhouses-they were super easy and I think they turned out really cute.  The first thing we did was tie twine around the neck of the bottles (I tied around and knotted then made a big loop and tied around on the opposite side) and then we (I) cut a 1/2 inch hole (a very jagged hole because the plastic was thick on two of the bottles) on one side of the bottle and then on exactly the opposite side (about 1 inch.)  Then, we decorated the bottles, found some sticks to stick through them and filled them with seeds.  We are hoping we will have some visitors soon!


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Kimbell Art Museum Family Educator Day

We had a great time at the Kimbell Art Museum, they held their Family Educator Day last month. It was organized, informative and fun for the kiddos. We met in the auditorium and got an overview of the three time periods we would be introduced to: The Renaissance, The Enlightenment, and Modernism. The boys got to make their own time-line with pictures and information on each time period. We then got a tour which highlighted some of the art that represented each of the three time periods. The museum staff & docents were helpful and the program was a good introduction to the time-line of art.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Critter Fest!

Our backyard is full of opportunities for exploring in our natural environment. The good thing about learning at home is that they ample time to explore and learn. They have caught and released many, many little critters including lizards, toads and frogs.

Nature Challenge 2011

For science, we are taking part of the 2011 North Texas Nature Challenge. So far we have done 3 challenges and they have been engaging and educational and best of all is that we get to get out into the great outdoors and the boys looove to be outside!


These 3d puzzles are a great buy at 1$-2$ at the craft store. We use them for art and the boys really love to put them together and paint them.

For art, we paint alot but for the most part the boys like to sketch. We have many books on how to draw and they are getting the hang of drawing in steps. They truly could spend hours a day on art but some times I have to encourage them to put it up for later.