Monday, February 21, 2011

Being positive and staying that way!

I am a big advocate of being positive in your daily dealings with people, especially children. Negativity is such a vile, contagious pest. Of course, you can be a big fan of something and still not know how to put it in action 24/7. I have decided that this blog will not include the daily doses of arguments, laments, and general disobedience or small doses of violence given and received by each brother (no matter how much you love your brother there are some times when pushing him down or pinching him are the only way to convey your utter madness at the moment you find your Lego ship wrecked). So, for all of you who wonder if we have arguments, time outs, or the quiet wish to get a way to far off island my response is a big of course! However, as the days pass we are all finding new ways to deal with our bouts of claustrophobia and frustrations that we don't always want to do the same things at the same time. The boys are finding more cordial solutions to their arguments-for instance, today I hear an argument building in the other room and then M says, "Ok, C-let's just drop this now because if we don't we are going to have a big argument and were both going to get in trouble." "Ok" says C. That simple! A breakthrough, nonetheless. I just wanted to add this tidbit so that anyone reading can be sure that we have our ups and downs throughout the day/week/month but the majority of our time is spent learning, enjoying each others' company, finding interesting and fun ways to amuse ourselves as well as scavenging for educational treasures throughout the community and genuinely having a good time.

To laugh often and much;
to win the respect of intelligent people
and the affection of children;
to earn the appreciation of honest critics
and endure the betrayal of false friends;
to appreciate beauty,
to find the best in others;
to leave the world a bit better,
whether by a healthy child, a garden patch
or a redeemed social condition;
to know even one life has breathed
easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Eggcellent Science Experiment (simple)

We did a super simple but fun science experiment last week. (We try and do one per week so that the boys can work together in the field of science) It shows the effect of acid on an egg shell.
Materials: -a cup or bowl, -an egg, -vinegar

Process: Put egg in cup, add vinegar to cover egg, wait 48 hours

After 24 hours we checked in and wrote our observations
on how the egg had changed. At 48 hours we took the egg from the cup and discovered the shell is gone, it was actually bigger, and it was translucent. The boys loved it and we took some neat pictures of it in the dark with the flashlight on the egg.

Simple, cool experiment for anyone to try!

Sid Richardson Museum Trip

We had a wonderful time at the Sid Richardson museum in downtown Fort Worth over the weekend. The boys had a good time putting together puzzles, doing a scavenger hunt and talking with the docents about Sid Richardson and other artists and their important works. We were thankful that this time dad and grandpa got to join us so that they could be a part of our learning. The boys also got to make cowboy hats, belt buckles and a cowboy drawing. The docents and staff were super helpful and full of information on the museum and works of western art on display.